Name: AADT Ramps
Display Field: EventID
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Description: BehaviorsActivity / RulesCalibrateRoute - Stay PutReverseRoute - Stay PutRetireRoute - SnapExtendRoute - Stay PutReassignRoute - SnapRealignRoute - Stay PutRealignOverlap - SnapCartoRealignRoute - Honor Route MeasureFrom HPMS Field ManualItem 21: AADT (Annual Average Daily Traffic) Description: Annual Average Daily Traffic. Use: For apportionment, administrative, legislative, analytical, and national highway database purposes. Extent: All Federal-aid highways including ramps located within grade-separated interchanges. HPMS Extent Coverage⦁ NHS: Rural = FE+R; Urban = FE+R⦁ IH: Rural = FE+R; Urban = FE+R⦁ OFE: Rural = FE+R; Urban = FE+R⦁ OPA: Rural = FE+R; Urban = FE+R⦁ MiA: Rural = FE+R; Urban = FE+R⦁ MaC: Rural = FE+R; Urban = FE+R⦁ MiC: Rural = ; Urban = FE+R⦁ Local: Rural = ; Urban = FE + R = Full Extent & RampsItem 22: AADT_Single_Unit (Single-Unit Truck and Bus AADT) Description: Annual Average Daily Traffic for single-unit trucks and buses. Use:For investment requirements modeling to estimate pavement deterioration and operating speeds, in the cost allocation pavement model, the truck size and weight analysis process, freight analysis, and other scenario based analysis.Extent:All NHS and Sample Panel sections; optional for all other non-NHS sections beyond the limits of the Sample Panel. HPMS Extent CoverageNHS: Rural = FE; Urban = FEIH: Rural = FE; Urban = FEOFE: Rural = SP; Urban = SPOPA: Rural = SP; Urban = SPMiA: Rural = SP; Urban = SPMaC: Rural = SP; Urban = SPMiC: Rural = ; Urban = SPLocal: Rural = ; Urban = FE = Full ExtentSP = Sample Panel SectionsItem 23: Pct_Peak_Single (Percent Peak Single-Unit Trucks and Buses) Description: Peak hour single-unit truck and bus volume as a percentage of total AADT. Use: For investment requirements modeling to calculate capacity and peak volumes. Extent: All Sample Panel sections; optional for all other sections beyond the limits of the Sample Panel. HPMS Extent CoverageNHS: Rural = SP; Urban = SPIH: Rural = SP; Urban = SPOFE: Rural = SP; Urban = SPOPA: Rural = SP; Urban = SPMiA: Rural = SP; Urban = SPMaC: Rural = SP; Urban = SPMiC: Rural = ; Urban = SPLocal: Rural = ; Urban = FE = Full ExtentSP = Sample Panel SectionsItem 24: AADT_Combination (Combination Truck AADT) Description: Annual Average Daily Traffic for Combination Trucks. Use: For investment requirements modeling to estimate pavement deterioration and operating speeds, in the cost allocation pavement model, the truck size and weight analysis process, and freight analysis.Extent:All NHS and Sample Panel sections; optional for all other non-NHS sections beyond the limits of the Sample Panel.HPMS Extent CoverageNHS: Rural = FE; Urban = FEIH: Rural = FE; Urban = FEOFE: Rural = SP; Urban = SPOPA: Rural = SP; Urban = SPMiA: Rural = SP; Urban = SPMaC: Rural = SP; Urban = SPMiC: Rural = ; Urban = SPLocal: Rural = ; Urban = FE = Full ExtentSP = Sample Panel SectionsItem 25: Pct_Peak_Combination (Percent Peak Combination Trucks) Description: Peak hour combination truck volume as a percentage of total AADT. Use: For investment requirements modeling to calculate capacity and peak volumes. Extent: All Sample Panel sections; optional for all other sections beyond the limits of the Sample Panel. HPMS Extent CoverageNHS: Rural = SP; Urban = SPIH: Rural = SP; Urban = SPOFE: Rural = SP; Urban = SPOPA: Rural = SP; Urban = SPMiA: Rural = SP; Urban = SPMaC: Rural = SP; Urban = SPMiC: Rural = ; Urban = SPLocal: Rural = ; Urban = FE = Full ExtentSP = Sample Panel SectionsItem 28: Future_AADT (Future AADT) Description:Forecasted AADT. Use:For investment requirements modeling to estimate deficiencies and future improvement needs, in the cost allocation pavement model and in other analytical studies. Extent:All Sample Panel sections; optional for all other sections beyond the limits of the Sample Panel. HPMS Extent CoverageNHS: Rural = SP; Urban = SPIH: Rural = SP; Urban = SPOFE: Rural = SP; Urban = SPOPA: Rural = SP; Urban = SPMiA: Rural = SP; Urban = SPMaC: Rural = SP; Urban = SPMiC: Rural = ; Urban = SPLocal: Rural = ; Urban = FE = Full ExtentSP = Sample Panel SectionsFrom CANSYS Metadata Master Report:AADT - (AADT Lengths) AADT is annual average daily traffic. Traffic is counted or estimated by various methods. Adjustments are made to annualize the counts because individual counts vary with time. AADT and the associated attributes are developed by the traffic and field ops unit (TFO) and statewide planning. Both the state and NUSYS AADT is loaded every year. State system AADT is loaded into CANSYS annually after state system network maintenance is complete. TFO engineer completes the load process TFO engineer modifies TRAF (traffic segments asset item) to make the AADT load process work. NUSYS AADT is loaded into CANSYS annually after NUSYS network maintenance is complete. NUSYS AADT loads actual counts received from TFO on a 3-year cycle. (2 districts per yr.). The other four districts estimate AADT from the previous year counts existing in CANSYS by using a short-term (yearly) growth factor given by TFO. AADT records are not end dated each year. Since 2004, AADT records are kept open, this allows for the AADT assets to be relocated when network maintenance is applied. After the AADT load is complete for the year, the exclusive views need to be recreated. AADT is located based on the TRAF segment (TRAF) location data is contiguous over the network because the loaders use previous years records for values (expansion factor- directional split- k factor). Dummy recs are made by TFO for the previous AADT year in areas where net MAINT caused an AADT gap. records are created with a 0 or 1 AADT count.History:Until year 2004 AADT assets were end dated and history was kept in the A0XX foreign tables. Keeping the AADT records open allows for the AADT assets to be relocated when network maintenance is applied. The A0XX foreign tables exist, but the data is not complete.(AADT) - % Heavy Commercial -- IIT_NUM_ATTRIB22 Percent of AADT of all vehicles having more than two axles or four tires (heavy commercial) (AADT) - AADT Count -- IIT_NUM_ATTRIB16 Count of all traffic. On undivided roadway this is the total count. On divided roadway this is 1/2 of the total count. Rounded to the nearest 5 vehicles.(AADT) - AADT Count Year -- IIT_NUM_ATTRIB76 The year the AADT_Count represents History:Some of the early materialized views do not include the count year (AADT) - Count Date -- IIT_DATE_ATTRIB86 The date represented by the count. Usually 01 Jan of the count year. In NUSYS this is also the date the actual count was taken. In NUSYS, for two subsequent years the AADT count will be updated by expansion factor but the count_date is not updated.(AADT) - DIRECTIONAL SPLIT -- IIT_CHR_ATTRIB29 The percent of total traffic in the heavier direction during the peak period. (AADT) - EXPANSION FACTOR -- IIT_NUM_ATTRIB17 The anticipated annual rate of expansion (deflation) of the count for each year in the future for the next 20 years. (AADT) - Expnsn Factor Date -- IIT_DATE_ATTRIB87 The date the expansion factor is effective.(AADT) - FUTURE AADT -- IIT_NUM_ATTRIB18 Equals current AADT count times expansion factor to 20th power. Calculated by a trigger anytime the count is created or modified.(AADT) - HEAVY COMMERCIAL -- IIT_NUM_ATTRIB21 Average annual daily count of all vehicles having more than two axles or four tires--- counts of vehicles in traffic monitoring guide (TMG) classes 4 to 13 are aggregated as hvy commercial. For more information on vehicle classes see Figure 1-1: FHWA 13 vehicle category classification: chapter 1, page 18 medium truck and heavy truck counts are subsets of heavy commercial counts or in other words, medium truck + heavy truck = heavy commercial(AADT) - HEAVY TRUCK -- IIT_NUM_ATTRIB25 Average annual daily count of all vehicles consisting of two or more units one of which is a tractor or power unit and having more than two axles or four tires on the complete vehicle. Counts of vehicles in traffic monitoring guide (TMG) classes 8 to 13 as combination unit (heavy truck) counts. For more information on vehicle classes see 1-1:FHWA 13 vehicle category classification: chapter 1, page18(AADT) - HEAVY TRUCK -- IIT_NUM_ATTRIB25 Average annual daily count of all vehicles consisting of two or more units one of which is a tractor or power unit and having more than two axles or four tires on the complete vehicle. Counts of vehicles in traffic monitoring guide (TMG) classes 8 to 13 as combination unit (heavy truck) counts. For more information on vehicle classes see figure 1-1:FHWA 13vehicle category classification: chapter 1, page18(AADT) - Hvy Commercial Date -- IIT_DATE_ATTRIB89 The date the heavy commercial count is effective.(AADT) - K FACTOR -- IIT_NUM_ATTRIB20 The ratio of 30th hour volume to AADT. This data has an implied decimal thus a value of 11 is actually 0.11(AADT) - MEDIUM TRUCK -- IIT_NUM_ATTRIB24Average annual daily count of all vehicles that are built on a single frame and having more than two axles or four tires. Counts of vehicles in traffic monitoring guide (tmg) classes 4 to 7 are aggregated as single unit counts (medium truck). For more information on vehicle classes see figure 1-1:FHWA 13 vehicle category classification: chapter 1, page18 (AADT) - Traffic Sequence -- IIT_CHR_ATTRIB28 An id assigned by TFO to populate AADT. This id is assigned in the inventory item TRAF.
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